consumers search for local informationThere is no doubt that people are searching online before making local purchases in real life. According to a study by Google, consumers search for local business information throughout the purchase process. They divided up the process into four parts: information, research, purchase and post-purchase. A large percentage of consumers perform local searches on multiple devices throughout the process.

What can you do to make sure that potential customers find your business when going through this process? Here is a list of helpful articles on the basic components of a local search marketing strategy.


research on multiple devices - desktop-tablet-mobileIn the information stage, your potential customers may not even be aware of your business or how your business can help them solve their problems. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) are crucial to get you in front of potential customers who are in the information-gathering stage.

online research on tablet - frustratedResearch

In the research phase, consumers have figured out what they want and are trying to find the best provider. While SEO and SEM are essential to help consumers find your site, it is essential that your website have the information they are looking for. You also need to make sure that your website conveys a professional image on both desktop and mobile devices and doesn’t scare potential customers away.

woman with a laptop and credit cardPurchase

After consumers have done their research, they’re ready to pull the trigger and buy a product or hire a service professional. Do you make it easy for that to happen either online or at your business location?


After the sale has been made, what type of relationship do you have with your new customer? Can they reach you if they have issues with your product or service? or if they want to buy from you again? Do you maintain the relationship to give them more opportunities to do business with you? This is where email marketing and social networking really come into play for local businesses.

There you have it – a basic introduction to local search marketing and how you can make it work for your business. I’d love to hear what you think. Do you have any other suggestions or is there anything on this list that doesn’t sound quite right? Let me know in the comments and we can discuss.

For the second part of the Local Marketing 101 series, check out “Content Marketing Explained“.