In honor of Halloween, we’re bringing you three frighteningly common social media mistakes we see small (and big) businesses make on their social media pages. The good news: They’re so easy to fix.
Mistake #1 Social buttons are hidden.

Whatever social profiles you have, they need to be viewable at a glance when someone lands on your home page. Don’t place social buttons that require a visitor to scroll down. They may never scroll down.
Remember: If viewers can’t see social buttons when they land on your home page, they might as well not be there.
Mistake #2 Facebook doesn’t link back to ANYTHING.

If you look at this page, you’ll see there are no visible links to their website or any social platforms.
In many instances, that’s because the company hasn’t linked back to anything. But in the instance above, if you click through on “About,” you’ll find links to both their website and their social platforms. But just like we shouldn’t assume people will scroll down a page, we should also never assume they’ll click through.
So include your website on that first page of Facebook, and use Facebook apps to make your social platforms known at a glance.
Mistake #3 Twitter isn’t optimized.

We all know it’s hard to get your exact name as a Twitter handle. So it’s fine if your handle doesn’t match your business name exactly. But whatever your handle is, the exact name of your business should ALWAYS appear somewhere on your Twitter bio. Because if someone is searching for you by name on Twitter, they can’t find you if that name isn’t somewhere on your bio.
Make sure to list keywords associated with your business in your Twitter bio as well. These can help lead Twitter users to you, even if they weren’t looking for you.